Author: doctordeplorablemf
I’ll take the dude, please
Watching Pete Hegseth get grilled yesterday was popcorn time. I give him credit for being a cool little Fonzi and not taking the bait. During my career; as a women, I absolutely hated working for women. Watching female Democrat Senators scream down at Hegseth gave me great joy that I am now retired and don’t have to deal with implacable women trying to get ahead in the workforce anymore. Hegseth brought up an excellent point. Combat personnel should be top notch and able to pass a grueling physical fitness exam. If a woman can meet the same standards set for a man, then she makes the team. Lowering standards for women so they pass the exam puts the whole team at risk. Men and women do have different body builds (fat/muscle content) and strength characteristics. Can women pass the physical fitness test set for men – maybe a few. Truth be told, if I were in a foxhole behind enemy lines right now and I had a choice as to who I would be sharing the foxhole with – dude or dudette – I would pick the dude. Do women have a place in the military and a valuable skill set to add – yes – but not as frontline combatants if they can’t pass the same physical fitness standards as men.
The Democrats Humiliated Themselves in the Hegseth Hearing
Pete Hegseth Makes The Definitive Case Why He’s Qualified To Be Trump’s Defense Secretary
Let’s do better in 2025
As I reflect on 2024 and the roll into 2025, I want to do better next year by being more caring and compassionate towards those in my life – particularly those I consider to be a pain in my rump. The issue prompting me to write this post is the F-line subway immolation that occurred on a Coney Island, NYC subway platform on Sunday 12/22/2024. A woman who was asleep on the train was set on fire by a man in the country illegally. The woman died of smoke inhalation and thermal injuries. The perpetrator was purportedly stoned out of his mind on K2 (a synthetic cannabinoid) and Satan’s brew (alcohol). I worked in New York City in the mid 1980s and often found myself on a subway car on Sunday morning if I got called into work from my Jersey perch. I worried about being mugged, but I never gave consideration to becoming a roman candle. In all my years of medical training and practice, I found the burn unit the worst. The man who did this is demonic. Equally disturbing is the fact that a person could be burned beyond recognition on a subway car in a city with over 8 million people. Why were at least three individuals filming the event with their cell phones instead of helping the woman by putting the fire out? Why did a transit cop walk by the open car door with a standing human being engulfed in flames? Typing this makes me sick to my stomach. Is this where we are at in 2024? This woman died horrifically and ALONE in one of our country’s most populous cities. Identification of the body took over a week. The woman had been homeless. Will anyone be claiming her remains? As a civilized nation, we have to do better.
In him we have redemption through his blood, the forgiveness of our trespasses, according to the riches of his grace which he lavished upon us. Ephesians 1: 7-8 (RSVCE).
Woman Burned to Death by Illegal Alien on NYC Subway Identified
Guardian Angels resume NYC subway patrols for first time since 2020 after shocking arson murder
NYPD arrests migrant who allegedly set woman on fire on subway train, watched her burn to death
With God, all things are possible
Ohio House Bill 8 with the Religious Released Time Amendment is on its way to Governor DeWine’s desk. God has blessed me richly in having an Ohio Senator and State Representative who are warriors in the battle to stop the Marxist March to undermine parents and families. My voiced support and opinion on the bill:
Greetings Senator Brenner and House Representative Lear,
Thank you for the hard work that you do. I do not envy you this time of year – end of session/assembly sprint. I am sending this e-mail to voice my support of H.B. 8. I am deeply saddened that today’s cultural climate requires a Parents’ Bill of Rights. Unfortunately, the Marxist March through educational institutions courtesy of entities such as the ACLU (American Civil Liberties Union), NEA (National Education Association/Ohio Education Association), and AFT (American Federation of Teachers/Ohio Federation of Teachers) needs to be formally addressed. I have read the ACLU of Ohio’s take action statement regarding H.B. 8. Per the Ohio ACLU, H.B. 8 “eviscerates the trusted relationships between students and their teachers” and “it would require school staff to out LGBTQ+ students to their parents, regardless of the impact on that student’s safety at home.” I believe that most Ohio parents are loving and caring individuals who have the best interest of their children at heart. Parents, not school personnel, are intimately involved with EVERY aspect of raising their child – education, health, and spiritual. I had a child with an IEP (individual education plan) with my local school district twenty years ago. I met with my son’s education team frequently. In addition to an education team, my son had a medical team – physicians, speech therapists, occupational therapists – I met with outside of the school district. In order to make beneficial informed decisions, I needed to know everything that was going on with my son on all fronts. As the only individual interfacing with all of my son’s needs providers, I was in the most appropriate position to be the coordinating leader of all the teams. Twenty years later, none of my son’s childhood providers are still in his life except for me and his father. Are there households where child abuse occurs – unfortunately, yes. Like teachers, I too was a mandatory reporter of child abuse under Ohio law during my clinical career and it was not a good day in my office when I had Columbus PD in a room with parent/s and Columbus EMS transporting a child to the emergency room for traumatic injuries that I could not determine were not the result of child abuse. If school staff members are in fear that “outing” a child will lead to abuse at home, laws are already in place to protect the child and school personnel are required to report. The well being of a child is best promoted and protected when ALL members of the team are working in unison and on the same page. The cynical approach being leveled by opponents to H.B. 8 dismissing the intellectual and emotional capacity of the vast majority of parents to act in their child’s best interest is mind boggling and an indictment of the silly times in which we live. I am concerned that school districts “purposely” keeping information from parents could lead to a tragedy that could result in a legal challenge. What if a child reveals to a trusted teacher that the child is in turmoil about his/her sexuality? What happens if this information is purposely withheld from the parent/s, an appropriate psychological screening (is the child at risk of harming himself or others?) is not done, and the child commits suicide shortly after confiding in the teacher? Are school districts shielded from liability in this scenario by the State of Ohio? Are school districts shielded at the federal level from a civil rights violation action? I am a firm believer in keeping things simple – makes life easier for all parties involved. First, everybody should stay in their lane and perform within the scope of their professional license. Second, parents are above school personnel on the organization hierarchy chart of child rearing. If my son had wound up in jail when he was a student in my local school district, I would have been the adult posting bail and licking my wounds for raising a delinquent.
I am most appreciative of your time and attention in considering my opinion and concerns. May you be richly blessed with the hope, peace, joy, and love of Jesus Christ this holiday season.
On to the Governor! Ohio House Passes Parents’ Bill of Rights, School Religious Released Time
The Power of Prayer
Update on Ohio H.B. 8
It is time to pray. H.B. 8 – The Parents’ Bill of Rights with the Religious Released Time Amendment – will be voted on tomorrow by the Ohio Senate Education Committee. If H.B. 8 is approved by the Committee, it will then move to the Senate floor for a vote by all Ohio Senators. H.B. 8 will then have to move back to the Ohio House of Representatives to be voted on again by the House since an amendment was added in the Senate. Both the Ohio House and Ohio Senate are supermajority Republican, but things are never a slam dunk in the political theater. Governor Dewine has indicated he will sign H.B. 8 if it comes to his desk.
Trust the Lord with all your heart, and do not lean on your own understanding. In all your ways acknowledge him, and he will make straight your paths. Proverbs 3: 5-6 (ESV).
Religious release time bill added to parents’ bill of rights during Ohio Senate Education Committee
Ohio Senate could vote Wednesday on controversial ban on ‘gender ideology’ in schools
Drone Madness
Just when I thought my decision to flee New Jersey decades ago was a good decision, drones have been spotted over Wright Patterson Air Force Base. I am going to have put on my tin foil hat and tune in to Comet T.V. tonight and watch back to back episodes of the X-files – the truth is out there.
Wright-Patt’s airspace briefly shut down because of drone activity
Police heatmap shows shocking scale of drone activity in New Jersey county as mystery deepens
Mayorkas: ‘We Are Limited in Our Authorities’ to Incapacitate Drones