The Marxist capture of our children

The wicked march of the Marxists throughout American Institutions continues. Today, the Supreme Court is hearing oral arguments regarding state bans on “gender affirming” care for minors. The U.S. Medical Establishment, specifically the American Academy of Pediatrics, has been captured. Any parent who has a gender confused child and seeks resources through their child’s medical team to help their child to accept their birth sex is heading upstream without a paddle because the parents will be told that their child is at increased risk of suicide if the child’s gender choice is not affirmed. This argument was quite persuasive in Ohio Governor DeWine’s decision to veto Ohio H.B. 68. God blessed Ohio richly by giving the state legislature the intestinal fortitude to override the veto. In addition to medical institutions, Marxists also bully in school yards. I had brought to my attention this morning a situation going on in Marysville, Ohio. Under Ohio RIRT (religious instruction release time), Marysville’s Edgewood Elementary School will be allowing Hellion Academy of Independent Learning (HAIL), sponsored by the Satanic Temple, to implement their program. Read the article below for full details. I found it interesting that the program is only implemented in school districts that have other religious release programs. LifeWise Academy, whose religious program was recently at the center of a brew ha-ha in the Westerville City Schools District, is specifically pointed out in NBC’s article. I believe HAIL’s sole mission is to undermine Christianity. The marketing and verbiage skills of this group are exceptional and closely follows Alinsky’s Rules for Radicals in targeting Christian groups (Alinsky’s rules are posted below). Here are the Seven Fundamental Tenets of the Satanic Temple: 1. acting with compassion and empathy, 2. the pursuit of justice, 3. personal bodily autonomy including a religious right to abortion, 4. respecting others’ freedoms, 5. aligning beliefs with scientific facts, 6. remedying mistakes, and 7. the tenets are guiding principles but followers should defer to compassion, wisdom and justice. Now, we live in a country that prides itself on religious freedom. If Christians are allowed RIRT, then Satanists are allowed RIRT too (Alinsky’s rule #4 comes to mind here). As Christians, we already know the intentions of Satanists and we must be on guard to act in a Christ like fashion for the Glory of our Almighty GOD in protecting the most vulnerable among us – children – born and unborn.

“ no weapon that is fashioned against you shall succeed, and you shall refute every tongue that rises against you in judgment. This is the heritage of the servants of the LORD and their vindication from me, declares the LORD.” Isaiah 54: 17 (ESV).

Marysville schools offer new religious release program through Satanic Temple

After School Satan Club co-founder defends his mission amid parental outrage: ‘Not looking to convert’ kids

The Satanic Temple is pleased to introduce the Hellions Academy of Independent Learning (HAIL)

Alinsky’s Rules for Radicals


Ohio Senate Bill 104 signed by Governor DeWine

Oh give thanks to the LORD, for he is good, for his steadfast love endures forever! Psalm 107: 1 (ESV).

Governor DeWine signed Senate Bill 104 which will keep bathrooms and locker rooms in primary and secondary educational institutions safe for God assigned women. We must pray for individuals and families suffering with gender dysphoria issues that God softens hearts and provides resources, wisdom and acceptance of the beauty of HIS gender assignment.

BREAKING NEWS: DeWine signs Bill to Ensure Single-Sex Bathrooms, Locker Rooms

Ohio Governor Signs Law Barring Students from Using Bathrooms Reserved for Opposite Sex

Gov. DeWine signs bill limiting bathroom use by trans people at Ohio schools, colleges

Have a blessed Thanksgiving.


You go Girl Friend!

1. I was pleased to see U.S. House Rep. Nancy Mace make an issue of transgender women (i.e. men) using the women’s facilities at the U.S. Capital. The first ever transgender women was elected to represent Delaware in the House of Representatives. As Speaker of the House, Rep. Mike Johnson gets to make the bathroom policy and on Wednesday of this week he set a biological female policy. I will give a nod to incoming Delaware House Rep. Sarah McBride for publically stating she will honor Speaker Johnson’s policy even though she disagrees. House Rep. Mace has stated she will be coming forward with a bill to make women’s facilities nationwide safe for God assigned women. Ohio Governor DeWine’s signature is still needed on Ohio Senate Bill 104 to make school facilities safe for female students.

Sarah McBride Responds to Speaker Mike Johnson’s Bathroom Rules for the U.S. Capitol

Republican introduces anti-transgender bathroom resolution at Capitol after first transgender woman elected to Congress

Nancy Mace doubles down with new trans bathroom bill

Rep. Nancy Mace: “Im Getting Death Threats From Men Pretending To Be Women… Over A Mans Right To Be In The Women’s Restroom”

Nancy Mace Doubles Down, Files Blockbuster New Bill on Men in Women’s Bathrooms

SPINE DISCOVERED: House Speaker Mike Johnson Announces Men are Banned from Women’s Restrooms on Capitol Hill Following Rep. Nancy Mace’s Courageous Stand

2. Shameful that “devout” Catholic President Joe Biden quietly awarded the Medal of Freedom to Cecile Richards, former President of Planned Parenthood, this week. Condolences to my Catholic friends – St. Michael the Archangel, defend us in battle. Be our defense against the wickedness and snares of the Devil. May God rebuke him, we humbly pray, and do thou, O Prince of the heavenly hosts, by the power of God, thrust into hell Satan, and all the evil spirits, who prowl about the world seeking the ruin of souls. Amen. Catholic Prayer to St. Michael the Archangel.

Biden awards the Medal of Freedom to Cecile Richards, former Planned Parenthood president

3. I am posting a video below from Created Equal that demonstrates some good answers to tough abortion questions. The 2024 election is over, but the battle to change hearts and minds regarding the sanctity of life continues.


Time to clean up the mess

The hard part of “clean up on aisle kooky bananas” has begun.

1. The FEMA (Federal Emergency Management Agency) debacle is troubling. When Hurricane Helene devastated North Carolina, word started leaking that FEMA’s response was anemic. Many people started to wonder if the government was shunning Conservatives in Western North Carolina because they would be Trump supporters in the upcoming election. FEMA was quick to respond that such opinion was “misinformation.” Shortly after Hurricane Helene, Hurricane Milton hit Florida and the Dailywire published an article stating that in Lake Placid, Florida, FEMA was bypassing homes that had Trump/Vance signs posted. FEMA claimed that this was an isolated incident and that the person involved had been terminated. The individual who was terminated appeared on a podcast and said that she was following a widespread FEMA policy of avoiding “politically hostile” homes. FEMA employees do need to put their personal safety first, but they are obligated to render assistance. As a young physician, I did home visits in a sketchy part of town. If I pulled up to a residence that wasn’t passing my Jersey Girl sniff test – drug dealing going down on the front porch – I found the nearest phone booth – no cell phones at the time – and called the local PD to accompany me on the door knock. While a resident physician in Philadelphia, the hospital I was working at often had members of rival gangs recovering from gunshot wounds in the ICU and when this occurred, Philly PD officers were stationed in the ICU and visitor waiting room to maintain order between friends and family of the patients. If FEMA employees were truly that afraid of Trump supporters – an example of what happens when you overdose on watching MSM news and your higher ups are dedicated Marxists – then FEMA was required to come up with a feasible solution to accomplish their mission. Engaging in targeted discrimination was not the viable option.

EXCLUSIVE: FEMA Official Ordered Relief Workers To Skip Houses With Trump Signs

FEMA employee fired after telling relief team to skip houses with Trump signs following Florida hurricane

Fired FEMA Employee Spills the Beans on Discrimination Scandal

How High Does The FEMA Scandal Go?

Florida alleges FEMA officials conspired to discriminate against Trump supporters after hurricane

2. During my professional career, I had a simple rule – leave the politics at home.

Scientific American Editor Resigns After Incendiary Anti-Trump Rant

Scientific American editor quits after anti-Trump comments
