The Steal Continues in 2024 – Update

The Democrats are up to their usual shenanigans in Pennsylvania as incumbent Senator Bob Casey (D) will not concede the Senate contest to David McCormick (R) even though left leaning organizations such as the Associated Press (AP) have called the contest in McCormick’s favor as he leads by 26,000 votes as of November 14th. Casey has virtually no path to an honest victory. Why is Casey not conceding? The Democrat slow roll and release of the Marc Elias Lawfare Team to find favorable judges throughout the commonwealth to buck current election rulings seems to be the answer. Bucks County Commissioners have decided to go ahead and count undated ballots even though the Pennsylvania Supreme Court ruled in September 2024 that undated ballots could not be counted. The Bucks County Commissioners by a 2(D) – 1(R) vote decided to defy the State Supreme Court and count the ballots thus breaking the law. Other Democrat controlled counties are considering counting such ballots as well. The law is clear and was upheld by the Supreme Court but demons gotta be demons to get the result they want. The Demonrats are undermining election integrity and voter confidence in the election process. The RNC has filed four lawsuits contesting decisions by counties on undated ballots to ensure McCormick’s victory is upheld. A recount is scheduled to begin on November 20th and must be completed by 12 noon on November 26th. We will see how this turns out. The election system in the United States is broken and needs fixing. Hopefully, the U.S. Congress can enact legislation to improve election system standards: requiring voter id, cleaning up voter rolls, shortening voting periods, and validating citizenship and addresses to name a few items. At this point, I would not be surprised if the tooth fairy left a barrel full of undated ballots in Philadelphia County.

Republicans have accused Pennsylvania Democrats of attempting to “steal” the Senate election after officials in blue counties admitted to defying court precedent and election law.

‘People Violate Laws Anytime They Want’: PA County Dems Defy State Law To Count Hundreds Of Illegal Votes

McCormick sues Bucks County for counting undated mail ballots

Democrat Commissioners in Bucks County Brag About Defying PA Supreme Court Ruling, Continue to Count Illegal Ballots

So, That’s Why Bob Casey Didn’t Concede the PA Senate Race

Our Elections Are Not OK


The Election Steal Continues in 2024

It is now 4 days past the election and several Federal races have not been called because not all the ballots have been counted. Of course, it is the usual suspects: California, Washington, Oregon, Nevada, Arizona and Pennsylvania – all run by Demonrats. Why does it take so long? It is by design; do the slow roll of counting ballots so bogus ballots can be inserted into the system until you get the results you want. The critical races now are the U.S. House of Representative contests. Articles of Impeachment against Trump are ready to fly if Hakeem Jeffries becomes House Speaker. For the U.S. Senate, it looks like in Arizona some MAGA Republicans are trying to stop the shenanigans with regards to Kari Lake, but we will have to wait and see as some RINOs are in play in Maricopa County to spoil the election. In Pennsylvania, the Marxists are claiming the U.S. Senate race between McCormick and Casey “is not over” even though the race has been called by the Associated Press for McCormick. The RNC must push back and fight tooth and nail on these races. There is too much at stake here.

Democrats Are Trying to Steal Three GOP House Seats in Orange County and the GOP Needs Immediate Help

Democrat ‘Super-Lawyer’ Marc Elias Latest Election Denier

Is a DNC election cheat going on to control the House?

Down Ballot Steal – The Whack-A-Mole Election – a must read

Hey Mark Elias! Hired your Prison Coach yet? Yes, we are fighting back

Message to Arizona Voters: Here’s How to Track Your Ballot Status and Ensure Kari Lake Wins

CNN Reporter’s Take on Trump Supporters and How They See the Network Is Beyond Delusional


Voting tips for voting in person at your polling location

Tips for voting in person on Tuesday:

1. Do not wear any political paraphernalia such as campaign clothing, stickers, buttons, etc. to the polling location. Once within 100 ft. of the polling center, political items are not allowed.
2. Have your ID ready to present – valid driver’s license, military ID, passport.
3. After you have checked in at a check-in table and have received your authorization to vote slip (ATV), a poll worker will escort you to a ballot marker, provide instructions and scan your ATV slip to load your ballot.
4. Once the ballot has been loaded and you start voting, make sure you scroll all the way to the bottom of each page (like a cell phone) to continue as you make your selections. When you get to the end of the ballot, select the REVIEW box to review your ballot choices. Once you are done reviewing your ballot, select the PRINT box on the bottom right of the screen and your paper ballot will print. Review the printed paper ballot to ensure your selections are reflected properly on the printed paper ballot. If the selections on the paper ballot are correct, proceed to the paper ballot tabulators to have your paper ballot cast. If the paper ballot is not correct, raise your hand and two poll workers (1 D and 1 R) will assist you to void the paper ballot, receive a new ATV slip and set you up again at a ballot marker.
5. Display the conservative, MAGA virtue of kindness with the poll workers. The poll workers work the entire day at the polling center, 14 hours+, to ensure “chain of custody” of all the voting equipment and processes to maintain a high standard of election integrity.


As expected, shenanigans are afoot in PA

There are many election shenanigans going on in PA and I am not surprised. This is not a first-time rodeo for election gaming in Bucks County, PA. True story: My mom, who lives in Bucks County, PA, went to vote in person at her polling location on election day in 2020. She was 86 years old at the time. She was told, “you voted already by mail in ballot.” My mom replied, “No, I did not vote already by mail in ballot.” After some back and forth, my mother requested to vote a provisional ballot because the mail in ballot in her name was fraudulent. She was told she would have to drive 16 miles to the county seat in Doylestown, PA. My mom, being of the feisty Irish variety and in possession of a nose capable of sniffing out skullduggery, drove herself to Doylestown to cast her provisional ballot. As per the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania, “if you are a registered voter but your eligibility to vote at your polling place is uncertain, you have the right to vote a provisional ballot.” Why wasn’t a provisional voting table set up at the polling location? I work the polls on election day in Delaware County, Ohio and a provisional voting table is set up at every polling location so there is no need to drive somewhere else if you have to vote a provisional ballot! I checked to see if my dad, who passed in 2009, had voted in the 2020 election and was relieved to find he had not. The Marxists can only win by engaging in shenanigans as they have nothing to offer the American people and anyone who has two brain cells and is honest knows that.

VOTER SUPPRESSION: Bucks County Emergency Services Shuts Down Doylestown Voting Line Early as Republicans Surge on Final Day

Frustration Boils as Pennsylvania Voters Witness ‘Non-English Speaking Citizens’ Escorted Past Long Lines to Vote

Election Integrity – RNC and Trump Campaign Go on Offense to Protect the Vote

Pennsylvania GOP Wins Huge Victory That Halts Democrat Interference With Early Voting


Iran’s Re-emergence in Global Terrorism and Advancement in Nuclear Capabilities: A Growing Concern

In recent years, Iran has re-emerged as a significant player on the global stage not just for its oil reserves and strategic location but for its role in supporting terrorist organizations and sponsoring attacks worldwide. This involvement has exacerbated tensions complicating international relations and security across various continents. Iran’s ties with terrorist groups can be traced back to the aftermath of the 1979 Iranian Revolution which led to the establishment of the Islamic Republic. The new regime, driven by a revolutionary zeal to export its theocratic ideology, found common cause with like-minded groups across the Middle East. Hezbollah in Lebanon, the most notable among Iran’s proxies, was founded in the early 1980s with substantial Iranian support and has since been involved in numerous terrorist activities. Iran’s support for terrorism is multifaceted encompassing financial, logistical, and military backing. U.S. officials and various international bodies have repeatedly pointed out Iran’s role in funding and arming groups designated as terrorist organizations including Hamas and the Palestinian Islamic Jihad. This support extends beyond the Middle East to parts of Africa and Latin America where Iran’s Quds Force—the overseas arm of the Islamic Revolutionary Guard Corps—has been active. The consequences of Iran’s actions are profound and far-reaching. Terrorist attacks allegedly backed by Iran have occurred in places as diverse as Argentina, Bulgaria, and Thailand claiming innocent lives and destabilizing regions. Moreover, Iran’s engagement in proxy wars in Syria and Yemen has contributed to prolonged conflicts and humanitarian crises in those areas. The global community’s response to Iran’s activities has been mixed. While some countries advocate for stringent sanctions and a tougher stance against Iran, others call for diplomacy and dialogue.

So why the re-emergence of activity in sponsoring terrorist activities?

The Joint Comprehensive Plan of Action (JCPOA), commonly referred to as the “Iran nuclear deal,” was a 2015 agreement between the US, Iran, and the EU to restrict Iran’s nuclear program in exchange for relief of international sanctions on Iran. The Trump administration pulled out of the agreement in 2018 and re-imposed sanctions as the administration described the deal as a horrible one-sided deal that should have never been made. The re-imposing of the sanctions was done to get Iran to agree to a better deal. Under the sanctions, the Iranian economy crumbled and the funding for terrorist activities decreased. The sanctions were working. The EU; however, got squeamish and began to openly oppose the sanctions. After Biden came into office, the sanctions were waived and over ten billion dollars in frozen Iranian assets were released. Now with sanctions removed and assets unfrozen, Iran kick-started its nuclear programs and its support and sponsoring of terrorist activities. The middle east is currently on fire and Biden is eating ice cream on the beach in Delaware and Harris is cackling away and telling Iran “Don’t.” Iran refrained from making any missteps when Trump was around because Iran knew Trump would not play games – deterrence by STRENGTH policy. Now the US is seen as weak and no longer a superpower. The world needs someone who can change the direction away from nuclear war and decrease Iran’s support and sponsorship of terrorist activities. Trump is that someone.

Iran Inching Toward Nuclear Weapons Breakout

When Sanctions Worked – Iran


The Cost of Going Green

For families already facing financial hardship, Kamala Harris promises to lower energy costs, but her plan could bring more harm than relief as evidenced by states like California which are led by her party. On Harris’ campaign site, she mentions reducing energy costs but immediately pivots to addressing the “climate crisis.” Data from the Heritage Foundation highlights a striking trend: of the sixteen states where electricity costs exceed the national average, only two (Alaska, New Hampshire) are led by Republicans. The states governed by Democrats have implemented aggressive renewable energy mandates.

Prohibitive costs stem from policies in blue states that push for renewable energy with many states requiring 15% or more of their electricity come from “clean” (solar, wind, hydro) sources by 2035. Several states also aim to have 100% of car sales be electric vehicles (EVs) by 2035. This embrace of the climate agenda by blue states has significant financial implications for residents. The disparity in energy costs is evident with Californians paying three times what residents in Louisiana do. This is just the beginning—once renewable mandates and the increased demand for electricity due to EV adoption and other technological advancements take full effect, costs could skyrocket further. Rising energy costs also affect businesses which pass those expenses onto consumers making the overall cost of living in blue states significantly higher. Gasoline prices tell a similar story with California’s prices far exceeding those in states like Florida because of California’s higher taxes and regulations. What do residents in these states receive in return for their higher bills? The answer, it seems, is little to nothing. Politicians in these states pass environmental policies that drive up costs for working families without significantly impacting the global climate. Even if all U.S. states went 100% renewable, it would barely make a dent in global carbon emissions because of the massive emissions produced by China and India who are not active players in the climate crisis game. The key question remains: why do lawmakers in these blue states persist with policies that hurt their own residents? And why do voters continue to accept it? Harris’ clean energy/climate change agenda could spread these energy policies nationwide making this a critical issue for voters to consider in November.

Wake up, folks. If Harris gets “elected” in November, our “standard of living climate” is going to change dramatically.

Call It Greenflation — And Kamala Wants More Of It

Harris-Walz: Joy and Freedom – or Misery and Tyranny?

Kamala’s Silence on Energy Policy Is Deafening


The U.S. interest payments on the national debt

It has happened. The U.S. Federal Government now spends more per month servicing its debt ($140 billion) than on any other expense – more than Social Security ($129 billion), Dept. of Health and Human Services ($90 billion), Dept. of Education ($87 billion) and the Dept. of Defense ($63 billion). On an annualized basis, the interest debt payment is approaching $1.2 trillion and is increasing rapidly. The nation is drowning in debt and interest payments are like an anchor around the country’s neck. If you or I were spending more than we brought in, we could cut our expenses or borrow money and keep on spending until the bank says NO and we declare bankruptcy. The government; however, can issue more money (expand the money supply) through the Federal Reserve to pay off the debt and interest. Unfortunately, printing money devalues the currency. One dollar in 2021 is worth about 80 cents today. This cycle creates a self perpetuating doom loop – you borrow money to pay interest on borrowed money which results in total debt growing not in a linear fashion but exponentially. Politicians are loath to cut spending and constituents are not keen on belt tightening. Much like the Titanic on the night of April 14, 1912, the United States of America is on course for some tragic rough sea navigation.

The Debt Spiral Crosses the Point of No Return

Endgame: Interest On US Debt Surpasses $1 Trillion For First Time Ever, Exploding August Budget Deficit To Record High

World’s Top Banker Confesses He’s Deeply Concerned
