Consequences of the Harris/Biden Economic Policies

Retail store closings and bankruptcies have soared under Harris/Biden as Harris weaves an “everything is just peachy keen” yarn. Decline in the retail sector is due to economic factors such as inflation, higher interest rates and a substantial rise in retail theft. Restaurants are also closing as customers have decided to stay home. Increased energy, rent and food costs have resulted in menu prices that are out of reach for many customers. 2024 is on target to see a 40% increase in closings over 2023. Biden’s economic policies were dubbed “Bidenomics.” As part of her marketing game and image makeover, Harris has titled her policy “Opportunity Economics.” The reality mathematical equation for Biden Policy vs. Harris Policy is Bidenomics = Opportunity Economics. The Everyday Joe Blow equation for all this policy JOY is “same shit, different day.”

Largest Retail Store and Restaurant Closings for 2024:
Dollar Tree\Family Dollar 620
Rite Aid 165
Big Lots 300
Macy’s 55
Red Lobster 93
CVS 315
Walgreens 77
Foot Locker 36
7-Eleven 272
99 Cents Only 371
Rue21 543
LL Flooring 94
Conn’s Home Plus 170

99 Cents Only
Rite Aid
Big Lots
Red Lobster

US Store Closings Outstrip Openings in Break From Past Two Years

Retail Bloodbath: More Than 2,600 Store Closings Have Been Announced So Far In 2024

Macy’s Set To Close 55 Stores By The End Of 2024


The Centrist American Makeover of a Dull Far-left Presidential Candidate

Of all the tools in the Democrat tool box, why was Kamala Harris chosen as the 2024 Presidential Candidate? Vice President Harris does not exude confidence nor is she a charismatic public speaker. The legacy and social media outlets are working in overdrive to paper over Harris’ shortcomings. Has the electorate seen through the subterfuge realizing that Harris is artfully dodging interviews and working on weaseling out of next week’s debate because she has trouble thinking on her feet with no props? Harris has been flip-flopping on issues important to the middle class such as immigration, crime and energy because she has been in politics a long time and many of her radical thoughts and actions are on record.

Selected items on the makeover artist pallet:

1. Make Harris the HAPPY candidate effervescing with JOY and HOPE to obscure actual policy and positions.
2. Ignore the fact that Harris could be carrying out her policies right now – President Biden is on a permanent cognitive siesta.
3. Present Harris as a MODERATE and claim some of Trump’s popular ideas as her ideas. Always paint Trump as an unhinged EXTREMIST.
4. Avoid opportunities for unscripted public engagement – debates, town hall meetings, live interviews. Usually, multiple presidential debates occur during an election cycle. Only one debate has been scheduled so far and the debate is on Harris’ home turf. Harris’ CNN interview with her “emotional support governor” was scripted, prerecorded and edited.
5. Harris must not offer any policy proposals that deviate from the new CENTRIST image.
6. Distance Harris from Joe Biden. Create a Harris record devoid of any unpopular Biden Policies. Joe Biden is now President Patsy.
7. Name call Trump – racist, insurrectionist, Russian asset, criminal – non-stop and feel free to lie like a rug. Facts are superfluous; projecting a feel good image for the Democrat Party is key.
8. Refer to abortion as “reproductive rights” and talk about “reproductive rights” ad nauseam. Make sure the Media Lackeys ask Trump “gotcha” abortion questions so that ardent Pro-lifers will punt the Trump and sit the 2024 election out.
9. Bring in a social justice, activist Christian minister for outreach to Christian voters.

Kamala Harris’ Run for the Presidency Looks Like an Oscar Campaign.


Proposed Tax Increases by Harris Campaign Are a Terrible Idea

Well, well, well, look at my shocked face as Kamala Harris talks about a plan to tax unrealized capital gains and increase the corporate tax rate. “Harris supports the tax increases put forth by Biden in his recent budget proposal. This, according to the Harris’ campaign, includes a 25% tax on unrealized capital gains for individuals with more than $100 million in wealth; and an increased corporate tax rate between 21% and 28%.”  I have to say anytime I see a politician say only soak the rich, I must laugh, we have seen this dog and pony show before. Now will this ever happen, probably not, but the idea is ludicrous. If implemented trust me, it will impact even the little guy like you and me, make no mistake on that. It is theft, a simple money grab to prevent you from becoming wealthy or passing on wealth to your beneficiaries. The unrealized gain measure would have you pay taxes on the increased value of assets like your stock portfolio or your home, even if you did not sell it. Taxing unrealized capital gains is a violation of private property rights and would force people to sell their assets to raise funds to pay the tax. What if the value of the asset goes down later, do you get a refund or a tax credit? Yeah right. Implementing a tax on unrealized capital gains would mean that the government and not the free market would determine the value of your assets.

An unrealized capital gain tax could mean:

  1. Lower investment in the economy, leading to slower economic growth, which could impact job creation and innovation.
  2. Discouraging entrepreneurial activity as entrepreneurs would not be able to pay tax on asset value gains on paper.
  3. Discouraging saving and investing as there could be penalties for holding assets; investments would be in short-term projects or spending now instead of allocating funds to drive investment and growth.
  4. Reducing wealth inequality (make everyone the same), by making hardworking, thrifty, and wise investors poorer, which is what the leftists want.

I must lead off with this epic link:

BACKFIRE: CNBC Hosts Embarrass and Laugh at Harris Economic Advisor When He Pathetically Tries to Sell a Key Part of Her Trillion Tax Plan (VIDEO)

Kamala Harris’s Unrealized Capital Gains Tax Was Already Tried, And It Destroyed the Greatest Empire the World Has Ever Seen

Experts react to Harris’ plan to tax unrealized capital gains: ‘Voodoo economics’

A bad idea back in the day and a bad idea now, even National Review agreed.

Taxing Unrealized Capital Gains Is a Nutty Idea

Why Democrats’ Scheme to Tax Unrealized Capital Gains Should Terrify You


A Possible American Future At The Hands Of Marxists

The natives have had enough.

The dam finally broke in the United Kingdom (UK) with many protests breaking out against the UK government’s Mass Migration policy. Riots broke out following the murder of 3 little girls at a dance party in the seaside town of Southport; the suspect being a “Welshman” of Rwandan parentage. The citizens in the UK have finally pushed back on the barbarian invasion organized by their own government. The government has made it clear that the native population is second class citizens relative to the new arrivals. The state has been taking from the natives and giving valued resources to and protecting the invaders. The terror attacks and violent crimes have taken an emotional toll on the natives and have reached the breaking point. Natives are being told to step aside, nothing to see here, be silent or you will be punished if you protest or voice opinions viewed as unacceptable.

1. In Britain, Two-tiered Starmer, the Prime Minister, has announced there will be crackdowns on protesters and the police will redouble efforts to silence and punish online thought crimes. Natives have been rounded up and jailed just for being near protests.

White Riot

UK Rolls Out Totalitarian Social Media Policy

UK Police Commissioner Threatens International Citizens Online Posts

Over One Thousand Anti Mass Migration Protestors and Social Media Posters Arrested

2. The natives are uniting; however, as the Green (Catholic) and Orange (Protestant) citizens in Northern Ireland are now working together as a coalition to protest the globalist migrant invasion.

3. A two-tiered justice system at work: rapists get a slap on the wrist while natives get years in prison for posting online.

Why Britain Is A Mess And What To Do About It

4. Is it too little too late? We will pray that patriots in the U.S. push back in time to stop our current invasion.

Rowan Atkinson’s Definitive Defense of Free Speech

Anti-Immigration Protests in UK Spread; Elon Musk Warns Civil War Inevitable

The British People’s Pushback Against Unlimited Immigration Has Begun

When Saxons Begin To Fight

London Calling


Lawfare and Cancel Culture at Work, a website dedicated to promoting Patriotic Immigration Policy for the last 25 years is shutting down. Read the story from Peter Brimelow, the editor of while you can. If you speak out against the Marxists, they will work relentlessly to destroy you. VDare was overwhelmed through the typical use of lawfare, a 2 year investigation and requests for information by the NY State Attorney Generals Office. The pestering got to the point that VDARE could no longer keep up or have the resources to continue on. Cancel Culture also contributed to VDARE’s demise by inhibiting VDARE’s:
1)ability to create content and post it on
2)ability to distribute their message (social media and email) and communicate with readers
3)access to funding (no payment processor access to Paypal, Stripe, etc)
4)ability in getting support from professionals who provide back office support and financial and legal advice.
VDARE was bled dry. shutting down after 25 years.

Is The American Dream Still Attainable?

Greetings, I am SiberHusk, partner in crime with PoopDDog.

I will be posting and commenting on “important” topics of the day and hopefully, impart some knowledge to visitors of this site. Let’s begin!

The American Dream appears to be getting out of reach for the younger generations as they are getting priced out of buying homes and they’re being crushed by stagflation (rising inflation and decreasing productivity). Is there a way out?

The Collapsing American Dream
