Hello Conservative Populists! We have an important election on 8/8/2023. If you want to work one of the Delaware County Polling Places on 8/8 contact Ali Solove – asolove@delawarecountyohio.gov. In the email state your name, address, phone number and Delaware County Election Precinct. If you want to work at YOUR polling location, state this in your e-mail. Be advised that being a poll worker is an arduous task. You will have to go to a 2 hour training session at the Delaware County Election Board on State Rt. 23 in Delaware, Ohio, help set up at your assigned poll worker location on Monday night before the election and on election day you will have to be at the polling location at 5:30 am and will probably work until about 9:00 pm. If you do not know your precinct, go to my main page and on the right side of the page under How to get Involved the first link is the Delaware County Election Board. Click on this link and on the main page you will see “polling location lookup”. Click on this link and you will be able to find your Precinct and polling location. Delaware County is graced. For the 11/2022 election, Delaware County had 65 more Republicans sign up to be poll workers than they needed. Franklin County; unfortunately, was short @550 Republican poll workers. If you have Conservative friends in Franklin County, please encourage them to be poll workers.
Vote YES on 8/8/2023.