Dingleberry of the Week 6/9/2023

The Dingleberry Award this week goes to the Editorial Board of the Columbus Dispatch for their 5/30/2023 piece titled “Our View: A ‘yes’ vote on Issue 1 would drive dagger in Ohio’s ‘heart’”.

Before proceeding, a review is in order. Issue 1 – 60% Vote Requirement to Approve Constitutional Amendments Measure 2023. Currently, an amendment to Ohio’s constitution requires a 50% + 1vote majority. The United States Constitution requires a 2/3 vote majority in both chambers of congress and ¾ vote majority from state legislatures. Please click on the links below to look at the length of the U.S. Constitution vs. the length of the State of Ohio Constitution.

*U.S. Constitution full text.
*Ohio Constitution.

The United States Constitution has been amended 27 times in 234 years. The State of Ohio Constitution has been amended 172 times. A constitution is a framework document – PERIOD. Legislative bodies exist in the national and state realms to pass laws to deal with the day to day business. If you delve in and read the Ohio Constitution there is all kinds of stuff dealing with casinos. Why are casinos even mentioned in our state constitution? Now, let’s call out the dog poop going on in Ohio right now. The Marxists are running around gathering signatures for “The Right to Reproductive Freedom with Protections for Health and Safety” Amendment to the Ohio Constitution. Yeah; Reproductive Freedom, notice the Orwellian Newspeak here? What this amendment would allow is abortion up until the time of delivery, genital mutilation surgery on minors and allow medical professional ABORTIONISTS to perform both abortion and transgender surgeries without parental consent if the parent is deemed a nuisance who won’t submit to the Marxist Authoritarians. Why aren’t the Marxists pursuing this issue with the State of Ohio Legislature? It is easier for them to go the amendment route in Ohio because the legislature is currently supermajority Republican.

Extreme Pro-Abortion Ballot Initiative: Ohio – Created Equal

My friend; doctordeplorablemf, was at the Palace Theater in Columbus last weekend for a Jackson Browne Concert. She told me that the Marxists were there gathering signatures and were actually telling potential petition signers that if they did not sign, women having miscarriages would die because they would be unable to receive proper care in Ohio. The demons; like Satan with Eve, lie like rugs. DDMF and her husband spent several days in Holmes and Knox Counties in April and they did not see a single person collecting signatures. Moving forward, if Issue 1 passes on 8/8/2023, ballot initiatives will require signatures from all 88 counties in Ohio – right now ballot initiatives require signatures from 44 of Ohio’s 88 counties. Seems to me, the Marxists don’t value rural, conservative, Amish, Mennonite and other Christian constituents in Ohio. The State Legislature in Ohio consists of a Senate – 26 Republicans/7 Democrats and a House of Representatives – 67 Republicans/32 Democrats. The voting populace in Ohio has already made it clear that we do not support the leftist, Marxist, Party of Davos agenda – if we did, the Party of Satan; Democrats, would control the Ohio Legislature.

Psalm 139:14

I praise you, for I am fearfully and wonderfully made.
Wonderful are your works;
         my soul knows it very well.
