1. Speaker Mike Johnson will remain Speaker of the United States House of Representatives.
Speaker-designate Mike Johnson won a majority of voting members in the House of Representatives.
2. About the actual terrorist threat facing our nation….. Hint, it is not the people who were in D.C. on 1/6/2021 or the grannies who protest abortion.
FLASHBACK: Biden downplays ISIS threat to US, repeatedly says White supremacy ‘most lethal’ danger
The FBI’s Oblivious Terror Agenda
3. Current legal immigration to this country is as problematic as illegal immigration. Never forget that Democrats favor immigration for votes and Republicans favor immigration for cheap and compliant labor. The mess in Springfield, Ohio was the result of legal immigration – Temporary Protective Status (TPS). At the end of day, it was the working poor, U.S. citizens of Springfield, Ohio who grabbed their ankles.
Tesla More than Doubles H-1B Visa Workforce Imported to U.S.
4. If you have Allstate Insurance, you may want the reconsider. Allstate’s CEO espouses “woke” ideology.
VIDEO: Allstate Kicks Off Sugar Bowl With ‘Ridiculous Propaganda’ Chastising U.S. For ‘Divisiveness’