1. Winning. Just goes to show that money talks and bull twinkie walks.
‘Big Law’ Firm Admits Wrongdoing, Abandons DEI, and Pays Reparations to Meet Trump’s Demands
Columbia University Shifts Stance After Trump Cuts $400 Million in Federal Grants
Trump Chaos Or The Gales Of Creative Destruction?
University of Maine Flinches, Agrees To Protect Women’s Sports Following Trump Admin Funding Threat
2. The Left is nuts as evidenced by the actions of their adherents. Every time I hear the “Jim Crow” screeching by Democrats ignorant of their Party’s history, I just shake my head. The DEMOCRAT PARTY was and is the party of “Jim Crow.” Bernie Sanders and AOC pitching a fit about the “oligarchy” are charlatans. The New World Order of the World Economic Forum, fully supported by the Democrat Party and; unfortunately, many RINOs, is a billionaire country club. Bernie Sanders used to complain about millionaires, but because he is now a millionaire courtesy of the public teat, he complains about billionaires. What a self aggrandizing weasel.
MSNBC Warns AOC, Sanders Against Using This Word on Their Latest Tour
Tim Walz Claims Without Evidence That Segregation Will Return If Education Department Is Closed Down
MSNBC: Segregationist Trump Has Ushered In A New Era Of Jim Crow
The Era Of Presuming Liberal Moral Superiority Is Over
‘A Is for Abortion’: Public High School Teaches ABCs for Women’s History Month
This State Mental Health Advisory Board Member Identifies As a Turtle and I Have Questions