Important issues in the Ohio legislative pipeline:
1. H.B. 531 – Braden’s Law – prohibits sexual extortion.
2. H.B. 245 – prohibits certain adult cabaret performances.
This law would protect children from being subjected to lewd or obscene entertainment in public by requiring that such performances be restricted to adult cabaret settings. Unfortunately in this day and age, several adult entertainers are plying their wares in public view of children and families in venues such as public parks.
3. H.B. 445 – regards school policy for release for religious instruction.
This law would protect the right of children to receive religious education from ministries such as Life Wise Academy and School Ministries Ohio by changing the wording of the current law which says public schools “may” allow released time for religious instruction to say that they “shall”, or must, allow it in line with court precedent. There are currently school districts in Ohio not allowing this instruction.